Over the next few days I have thought about that moment a lot. Then last night I was talking to a friend of mine and he had been reading in the book of Acts. He was questioning me as to why God did not move in mirculous ways anymore. I responded that God does still move in miraculous ways. I have heard stories and had friends tell me of specific instances where they saw God move in amazing ways.
I have even heard Adrian Rogers tell of a time when he was preaching in India and at the invitation a man came down who was obviously possessed. He said the man was writhing on the ground uncontrollably. Dr. Rogers said he stepped of the platform and laid his hand on the man and rebuked the enemy asking God to free this man. At once the man went limp and rested on the ground. They raised him up and shared the Gospel with the man. The once possessed man was saved that day.
Do not tell me that God does not move in the miraculous anymore. He may not move that way in America but others around the world see Him move in the miraculous. So what is the deal????
Could it be that in our pursuit of the knowledge of God that we forgot to pursue Him. Could it be that we have a cold, dead orthodoxy devoid of the Power of the Spirit of God. Correct knowledge is fundamental, but if it is void of the power of God then what do we really have that will change lives and the world.
Only the Lord knows what would have happened if I had acted in obedience and prayed over that young man. The sad thing is that he could have been changed and I could have been used for the glory of God. Instead, there was an unchanged man and a disobedient servant in me. God forgive me. God forgive us for our lack of faith.
So who has changed? Do we serve a different God than that of Scriptures. I think not. God has not changed His people have...
Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God, 6 who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.
2 Corinthians 3:5
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