Saturday, September 13, 2008

To say the least, these past few weeks have been interesting. It's been one of those times where I have been awakened to the brevity of life. During these days I have spent some time contemplating life and what is really important. I have learned and been reminded of many things. One reality that I came to Tozier spoke of in The Pursuit of God. It has to do with allegiance of the heart.

In the Christian life one will often hear of accountability groups. Especially, between young men. It is good to have accountability in our lives but, what happens often is those groups become tools to keep us from doing certain things. Setting up rules in our lives are not a bad thing. I mean God gave the children of Israel the Law and in it contained the do's and dont's for the Israelites. So rules can't be all bad, right? Guess what...the Law didn't work to make the Children of Israel any holier. Instead, it showed them that they needed something far greater, more profound, and much more powerful than the Law. They needed to be changed from the inside out. Man's wicked heart cannot be changed by the bonds of religion of which the Pharisees of the New Testament are a good example. So young men coming together to have accountability to stay pure with their girlfriends, or to stay free from pornography is simply not enough.

So what is the answer? The answer is a passionate, hot hearted love for God. Sounds simple enough right? Follow me for a moment...

I love my wife Heather. What will keep me from having an affair with another woman? God's word forbids it right? Sure, but if that were enough then why would over 50% of "God's People" end up divorced with many due to extramarital affairs? The Command is not enough. So what will keep me from falling into the same mistakes that so many do. The answer is love.

If I love Heather more than anyone else then I will take precautions and set up boundaries to keep us both safe. Love for her motivates me to seek her out, to take care of her, and to protect her.
In the Christian life, Love is to motivate us in our relationship with God. If we love God at all it is because He first loved us and He demonstrated that love in that while we were still in our rebellious, broken and sinful state He sent His Son the Lord Jesus Christ to die for our sins. If we love God then we will seek Him, desire to know Him, and in the end we will obey Him.
If I love God more than__________(you fill in the blank) then it will cause me to both stay away from the sinful and pursue the Holy.

In your accountability group and in your life make the point and focus of your pursuit to grow in your love for God above all things whether it be the applause of men or the desires of the flesh and you will find yourself in obedience to the Greatest Command...."You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind"

My prayer: Lord, thank you for your love for us. I am continually amazed to experience your grace and mercy toward me. You know better than anyone the rebellious, sinful, selfish, and ugly state in which you found me. Yet, you loved me and set your affection upon me and saved me. I know that in me dwells no good thing. Unless you had given me Your Spirit and changed this heart, there would be no hope of me ever loving You.
Yet, You did change me and gave me the ability to love. I have known you over these years and still so many times I find myself loving this world and this life far too much. Father, forgive me and may I this day grow in my love for you as we spend time together. The more I know you, the more I love you. Lord, help this day to not be swayed by the things of this world that might cause me to forget so easily Your great love. In Jesus, I pray. Amen

He who has My commandments and keeps them,
it is he who loves Me.
And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father,
and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.”
John 14:21


Anonymous said...

That was solid. It's so easy to fall into the temptations of the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life...I've found that out this year. This was an encouraging and convicting post.

Brent Sherrod said...

Im with Rob.